Old Roman coins, may be inflated. New times, the same ageless problems.
Posted in About Ageless Finance Personal Finance

Why Is Finance Ageless? Priceless Lessons of Our Ancestors

“Ageless Finance” means basic financial knowledge is the same in all centuries, but most people don’t know it. There were…

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Old style personal finance: money in the chest
Posted in About Ageless Finance Personal Finance

The 3 Biggest Challenges in Personal Finance Today

Because of the pandemic, three things are becoming very important in personal finance. Some people struggle with how to find…

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Time is money. (Clock and bills.)
Posted in Personal Finance

17 Fake Passive Income Ideas, Explained

There are so many lists with passive income ideas on the internet. But many items are not passive, not an…

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Colombian Banknote, 1984
Posted in Commodity

Gold, Silver Prices Jump, Platinum Recovering – Chart of the Day

The chance of negative interest rates pushed gold, silver prices higher last week. But year-to-date, precious metals are still not…

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Money burning
Posted in Personal Finance Stock Market

11 + 1 Grave Investment Errors Robinhood Newbies May Commit

Everyone wants to know what the best investment is and doesn’t want to deal with common investment errors. Many people…

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The bear is the symbol of downtrends on the stock and commodity exchanges.
Posted in Stock Market

11 Countries Where You Can Discover Exceptionally Cheap Stocks Now

In developed countries, you don’t find many cheap stocks now. U.S. stock market indices have already risen year-to-year. But many…

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Mixed European banknotes.
Posted in Personal Finance

Negative Real Interest Rate, Financial Repression in Your Pocket – Chart of the Day

It is difficult to find reliable data on financial repression and negative real interest rates. In our overview turned out…

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Treasury Bond, 1979 (Wikimedia Commons)
Posted in Personal Finance Stock Market

How Is This Massive Negative Real Interest Rate Possible? – Chart of the Day

Negative interest rates and negative real interest rates may stay with us for a long time. Central banks and other…

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Brazilian currency (Pixabay)
Posted in Personal Finance Stock Market

Weakest Currencies in 2020 and Severe Consequences to Expect – Chart of the Day

Countries that are heavily exposed to the crisis have devalued their currencies in 2020 by as much as 10 to…

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Burn, Money, Burn
Posted in Personal Finance

6 Effective and Proven Ways to Lose Your Money

Introduction People make a lot of financial errors but some are ultra dangerous. Remember: You can lose all your money….

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Posted in Personal Finance

How Works Compound Interest? Learn the Secrets of the Dark Side

The compound interest has little effect in short term or by lower interest rates. But compound interest can make you…

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Money with shrinking value
Posted in Personal Finance

Eight Ways How Inflation Threatens Your Income, and 13 Ways to Fight It

Summary Inflation is almost always bad for you. The danger is huge. Worldwide, important central banks are trying to inflate…

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Historic stocks (Wikimedia Commons)
Posted in Investing Life Hack

Don’t Make the Same Mistakes Again – Priceless Financial Lessons

Summary Ageless Finance means basic financial knowledge is essential in all centuries most people don’t know about. There are always…

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