A Clock. Full-time job or part-time job?
Posted in Personal Finance

What to Do If Part-Time Jobs Are Scarce?

The crisis affects employment hard, also freelancer work, and part-time jobs. People rush to freelancing sites and payments are sinking…

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When Blogging SEO Was Unknown. Old Writing Equipment, Feather, Ink, Paper.
Posted in Personal Finance

5 Heavy Blogging SEO Errors I Made and You Shouldn’t

I made some serious blogging SEO errors in the last months. For example, I didn’t choose a niche and main…

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Natural Gas Oven Flame - Let's See the Price
Posted in Commodity

Spectacular Explosion in Natural Gas Price –Charts of the Day

Natural gas price exploded in recent weeks. It is 56 percent higher than on the bottom. Is it cheap or…

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Dangerous ski sport.
Posted in Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Fees Are Skyrocketing – Chart and Examples

The cryptocurrency fees are very high today compared with earlier times. The original idea of cheap and quick international transactions…

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Strange Skyscraper in Bochum, Germany.
Posted in Stock Market

Should I Invest in Stocks or Real Estate?–Charts of the Day

We should invest in stocks or real estate, precious metals to fight inflation and the crisis. In the past 25,…

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