Coffee Investment Chart with Beans and Cup
Posted in Commodity etf

Coffee Investment Is a Tough Game (Always on the Rollercoaster)

Coffee investment is a volatile, difficult one. In the last couple of years, the futures price moved on a rollercoaster….

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Buying Bitcoin or Ether in Europe seems to be easy
Posted in Cryptocurrency etf

7 Ways to Buy Bitcoin and Ether in Europe (and 2 Horror Stories to Consider)

How to buy Bitcoin in Europe? There are many answers to this.  All methods have advantages and disadvantages.  Storage and…

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Excavator at work. Mining may be great again.
Posted in Commodity

8 Compelling Reasons to Watch Commodity Investments

Commodity investments may enter a bull market soon. Money printing, government rescue packages, inflationary risks, and economic recovery are the…

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Photo: Lumber still in the woods.
Posted in Commodity

Lumber Price Exploded–the Very Best Commodity Investments in 2020

The lumber price surged 67 percent this year, it was the top-return commodity so far. The supply declined, lumber mills…

Continue Reading... Lumber Price Exploded–the Very Best Commodity Investments in 2020