Money with shrinking value
Posted in Personal Finance

Eight Ways How Inflation Threatens Your Income, and 13 Ways to Fight It

Summary Inflation is almost always bad for you. The danger is huge. Worldwide, important central banks are trying to inflate…

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Historic stocks (Wikimedia Commons)
Posted in Investing Life Hack

Don’t Make the Same Mistakes Again – Priceless Financial Lessons

Summary Ageless Finance means basic financial knowledge is essential in all centuries most people don’t know about. There are always…

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Multitasking, multi-source of money?
Posted in Personal Finance

Which Is Your Best Source of Money? Investing, Saving or Earning?

Summary Which Is Your Best Source of Money? Not always what you think. You should maximize your income and minimize…

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Cash Tree (
Posted in Personal Finance

Is It Only a Myth? – the Genuine Truth About Passive Income

Summary Every business or investment requires continuous attention or improvement. Therefore the truth about passive income is: without work it…

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