Posted in Investing

At The Edge Of War – Are Turkish Shares A Good Buy?

Summary Political tensions remain in Syria at the Turkish border, Turkish shares are falling. Long-term yield of Turkish shares was…

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Posted in Investing

Turkish Lira: The Game Of The Games?

Summary The Turkish Lira is a very volatile, complicated and risky asset. Political turmoil weight heavily on it like this…

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Posted in Life Hack

How To Be Healthily Paranoid On The Internet? (Part 1)

Two years ago I was very stupid: I gave my name, address and Paypal details to someone only to try…

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Posted in Investing

Special Question For Special People – Europe Or The US Can Perform Better?

Summary JPMorgan: it’s time to switch from the U.S. to Euro-Area stocks. Indeed, European indices seem to be far behind…

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