Gemstone in stock. Mining is lucrative.
Posted in Commodity Stock Market

Why And How to Buy Mining Stocks Instead of Pricey Commodities?

Mining stocks appear more lucrative than the commodities themselves. They pay dividends and bear no expenses. But in practice, most…

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I love lumber. Price may surge further.
Posted in Commodity Stock Market

Will Lumber Prices Jump Again? These Factors Point to It

Lumber prices in the US skyrocketed this year and collapsed later in May-June. But the market is seasonal, and other…

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Crude Oil Platform
Posted in Commodity Stock Market

Energy Stock ETF Investing–12 Reasons Why This Is a Dividend-Heaven

Crude oil prices surged a lot, but energy stock ETF prices didn’t reach pre-pandemic levels. There are a dozen reasons…

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An orange slice. Is this the cheapest commodity now?
Posted in Commodity etf

5 Cheap Commodities–Buy Low, Buy the Trend, Or Both?

Some investors pretend to buy cheap commodities, and others are following a trend.  I found five bad performing and relatively…

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Exhaust, catalytic converter contain rhodium.
Posted in Commodity

A Sharp Correction After The Incredible Rhodium Price Explosion

The rhodium price crashed in March by 32 percent but is recovering already. But the rally of the last months…

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Physical Rhodium powder, pressed and melted forms
Posted in Commodity Stock Market

Rhodium Price Doubled, Quadrupled, and Octupled

 The rhodium price jumped 95 percent in one year and eightfold in two years. The metal is exceptionally scarce and…

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Infinite row of dollar bills
Posted in Commodity Investing Personal Finance

Is This the End of the Dollar? Will Fiat Currencies Collapse?

Many authors fear the total collapse of fiat currencies or the end of the dollar.  They forget that central banks…

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Coffee Investment Chart with Beans and Cup
Posted in Commodity etf

Coffee Investment Is a Tough Game (Always on the Rollercoaster)

Coffee investment is a volatile, difficult one. In the last couple of years, the futures price moved on a rollercoaster….

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Excavator at work. Mining may be great again.
Posted in Commodity

8 Compelling Reasons to Watch Commodity Investments

Commodity investments may enter a bull market soon. Money printing, government rescue packages, inflationary risks, and economic recovery are the…

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Photo: Lumber still in the woods.
Posted in Commodity

Lumber Price Exploded–the Very Best Commodity Investments in 2020

The lumber price surged 67 percent this year, it was the top-return commodity so far. The supply declined, lumber mills…

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Crude Oil Rig in the Sunset
Posted in Commodity

Inflation and Crude Oil Price – Will The Fall Never End?

The crude oil price exploded today on good news about the vaccine. Are crude prices high or low, historically? Inflation-adjusted,…

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Gold Ring and Platinum Ring. One is Ruling.
Posted in Commodity

The Real Top of Platinum Price–Rich Man’s Gold, or Poor Man’s Gold?

Platinum price used to be twice the price of gold, but today it is only less than half of it….

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Energy stocks—Gas station fuel pistols
Posted in Commodity Stock Market

Time to Get Greedy in Energy Stocks?

Energy stocks almost hit new lows in the second coronavirus-wave.  That’s the most hated industry, near one-year, five-years, many-years lows. …

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Canadian maple leaf coin - highest price of silver is to come?
Posted in Commodity

What Was the Highest Price of Silver So Far? (Not the One You’re Thinking About)

The highest price of silver by the statistics was $49.50. But a long time ago.  Today’s inflation-adjusted price is already…

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Gold Bars (Bullion). Inflation-proof?
Posted in Commodity

Gold, Inflation, All-Time Highs–Good to Know Where the Real Top Was

Gold, inflation are closely related, as people buy gold to protect their wealth from depreciation.  Also, by low inflation, gold…

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Natural Gas Oven Flame - Let's See the Price
Posted in Commodity

Spectacular Explosion in Natural Gas Price –Charts of the Day

Natural gas price exploded in recent weeks. It is 56 percent higher than on the bottom. Is it cheap or…

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American Silver Eagle Coin
Posted in Commodity

Top 9 Silver Price Forecasts for 2020 and 2021–Is Something Colossal Happening?

Silver price forecasts are optimistic as the metal hits a seven-year-high.  In the short and middle term, $30-$50 estimates exist….

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Golden Pocket Watch - Time will tell wich forecasts were precise
Posted in Commodity

11 Top Gold Price Forecasts of Smart Money–How High Can It Go?

Gold price forecasts jumped these weeks with the gold price. The highest ones reach thousands of dollars. “Smart Money” is…

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Fawkes Anonymous Mask
Posted in Commodity Stock Market

DIY Fake News Generator –Was Gold a Better Investment, or Stocks?

The best fake news generator works based on real statistics. Was gold a better investment, or stocks? Select the appropriate…

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How to buy gold bars?
Posted in Commodity

How to Buy Gold Coins, Bars, Jewels? 4 Ways, Essential Pros and Cons

How to Buy Gold? An important question in crisis times. Gold price is moving in an uptrend for years. The…

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