Fawkes Anonymous Mask
Posted in Commodity Stock Market

DIY Fake News Generator –Was Gold a Better Investment, or Stocks?

The best fake news generator works based on real statistics. Was gold a better investment, or stocks? Select the appropriate…

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Medieval Houses
Posted in Personal Finance Stock Market

Will Real Estate Prices Drop after the Stock Market Massacre? – Chart of the Day

Corporate and private bankruptcy waves can push real estate prices down. REITs in the US and Europe are underperforming the…

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Robinhood, Money, Falling Knifes
Posted in Stock Market

Robinhood and The Woods of the Contrarian – Charts of the Day

Robinhood users aren’t behaving as I expected. They aren’t buying tech stocks in the first place but industry holdings. The…

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Big and strong. Google on tablet.
Posted in Stock Market

Will the Big Ones Get Bigger and Bigger?–FANG+ Stocks on the Peak

The FANG+ stocks are running high, some of them reached the pre-coronavirus top. Smaller companies and the broader market is…

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Money burning
Posted in Personal Finance Stock Market

11 + 1 Grave Investment Errors Robinhood Newbies May Commit

Everyone wants to know what the best investment is and doesn’t want to deal with common investment errors. Many people…

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Freelancer at work
Posted in Personal Finance Stock Market

People Need Online Work and Fiverr Skyrockets – Chart of the Day

In the coronavirus crisis, online work is very popular. Even full-time online jobs are possible. Freelancing, self-employment, and part-time jobs…

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Animals on Brazilian bank notes
Posted in Stock Market

Crashing Brazilian Real and Bovespa in the Abyss – Chart of the Day

The Brazilian real crashed this year and was the second worst-performing currency. Also, the Bovespa Brazilian stock market index fell…

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Posted in Stock Market

Busting the Myth of the Dividend Aristocrats ETF – Chart of the Day

A popular passive income idea is the living on dividend stocks, for example, the “dividend aristocrats ETF”. But the SPDR…

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The bear is the symbol of downtrends on the stock and commodity exchanges.
Posted in Stock Market

11 Countries Where You Can Discover Exceptionally Cheap Stocks Now

In developed countries, you don’t find many cheap stocks now. U.S. stock market indices have already risen year-to-year. But many…

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Earth in Storm
Posted in Personal Finance Stock Market

How Long Will the Crisis Last? – Chart of the Day

No one can know how long the crisis will last. Impossible. In recent decades, there has been an average of…

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Ship and buildings in Hainan, China (Pixabay.com)
Posted in Stock Market

Is Cheap Real Estate Investment Only a Dream? – Chart of the Day

Real estate investment can be attractive in times of crisis, especially if inflation rises. The central bank policies are supporting…

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Billions of People on Facebook and the Internet
Posted in Stock Market

How Much Money Do You Make for Facebook? – Chart of the Day

Facebook’s average revenue per user was $6.95 in the first quarter. Lower than the previous quarter but higher than one…

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Investor and Stock Charts
Posted in Stock Market

Are You Sure You Will Buy Stocks in 2020? – Chart of the Day

If you want to buy stocks in 2020, it is important to know that they are not cheap. You could…

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Treasury Bond, 1979 (Wikimedia Commons)
Posted in Personal Finance Stock Market

How Is This Massive Negative Real Interest Rate Possible? – Chart of the Day

Negative interest rates and negative real interest rates may stay with us for a long time. Central banks and other…

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Coronavirus and Mask, Fantasy Picture
Posted in Personal Finance Stock Market

Still Scary Coronavirus Statistics by Country – Chart of the Day

The coronavirus statistics are recovering globally only very slowly. In some countries, the epidemic is just beginning. I will teach…

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Smart Television Set (Pixabay)
Posted in Stock Market

Life Is Too Short to Watch Garbage Movies and Series – Chart of the Day

Millions of people subscribe to streaming services like Netflix in the quarantine. Traditional television is becoming a thing of the…

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Brazilian currency (Pixabay)
Posted in Personal Finance Stock Market

Weakest Currencies in 2020 and Severe Consequences to Expect – Chart of the Day

Countries that are heavily exposed to the crisis have devalued their currencies in 2020 by as much as 10 to…

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Black Friday, Black Monday... Many Black Days in the Stock Exchanges.
Posted in Stock Market

How to Buy Cheap Stocks in the Coronavirus-crash? 

After the coronavirus-crash, many investors want to buy cheap stocks. Nobody can know if we reached the bottom. Be cautious….

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Bear, symbol of the downtrend.
Posted in Stock Market

To Buy Or Not to Buy? Was This All the Stock Market Coronavirus Crash?

Summary Are we in a stock market stock market coronavirus crash? Not yet. Real crashes can be far deeper and…

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Stock certificate of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, 1903. Collection of JGHowes)
Posted in Stock Market

Can You, Indeed, Build a Decent Passive Income with Stocks?

Summary The numbers show historical stock market returns are high, ideal to reach a passive income. By researches about long-term…

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