Energy stocks—Gas station fuel pistols
Posted in Commodity Stock Market

Time to Get Greedy in Energy Stocks?

Energy stocks almost hit new lows in the second coronavirus-wave.  That’s the most hated industry, near one-year, five-years, many-years lows. …

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S&P 500 Sector Performance in 2020–The 11 Riders of the Cataclysm
Posted in Stock Market

S&P 500 Sector Performance in 2020–The 11 Riders of the Cataclysm

The S&P 500 sector performance in 2020 was very similar to the long-term picture. (See the infographics.) The crisis didn’t…

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Natural Gas Oven Flame - Let's See the Price
Posted in Commodity

Spectacular Explosion in Natural Gas Price –Charts of the Day

Natural gas price exploded in recent weeks. It is 56 percent higher than on the bottom. Is it cheap or…

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Posted in Commodity

The Best Investment in 2020 Was a Yellow Substance – Chart of the Day

The best investment in 2020 is not what you think. Plenty of investment plummeted this year, with few exceptions. Gold…

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Pollution. Do we need uranium to fight it?
Posted in Investing

How The Hated Uranium Investment Can Provide High Returns?

Summary Climate change seems to be a very serious problem, millions realize it. Electors in Europe are voting for green…

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